
Recipe: Perfect Es Cincau Gulmer

Es Cincau Gulmer.

Es Cincau Gulmer You can have Es Cincau Gulmer using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Es Cincau Gulmer

  1. Prepare 1 ons of cincau hitam.
  2. You need 1/4 kg of gula merah.
  3. It's 1 L of air.
  4. Prepare Secukupnya of es batu.

Es Cincau Gulmer step by step

  1. Larutkan gula merah dan air sampai kental. Potong dadu cincau dan pecahkan es batu..
  2. Tuang cincau diatas es batu. Masukkan larutan gula merah..
  3. Aduk rata dan Es cincau gula merah siap disajikan..

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